ArtoonsInn – residers

Writers Room
Yet to be updated

Poets Room
Yet to be updated

Canvas Room
Yet to be updated
Resider Benefits
Discounts on all Room9 Publications
15% discounts on all Room9 publications’ paperbacks purchased in India.
Discounts at The Archaic House near ArtoonsInn.
15% discount on selected services at The Archaic House near ArtoonsInn.
Admission to The Great Room9 Chain
Admission to The Great Room9 Chain (Yet to be launched by The Archaic House) subject to review. The Great Room9 Chain aims to create a large chain of Published Authors where Book promotions, Marketing and Reviews for Published Authors is a priority.
Write to [email protected] to submit your book for review.
Resider-Space at ArtoonsInn
A brief biography of the Artist will be put up on An Artist may also buy space on to showcase their biography and art.
Free HoA membership at Writers Room.
HoA – Hawks of ArtoonsInn is a systematically designed framework for Artists at ArtoonsInn who have entered the Inn to learn from their fellow-artoons. (Yet to go live)
Discounts at The Geeks Room
The Geeks Room shall offer 10% discounts on all their services to the Supportive Builders of ArtoonsInn.
Marketing and Promotions
ArtoonsInn offers
1. 15% discounts on promoting Supportive Builders’ Published Arts and Brands.
2. Free promotions to the Arts, Works or Brands that fit ArtoonsInn’s interests.
ArtoonsInn’s service-based rooms require Watchers and Builders time to time and Supportive Builders are given a priority for the job.